Trinity Sunday

As sometimes happens, I was struggling with what to write about on this date, as we write our devotionals 4 – 6 weeks in advance.   I looked at the Lectionary for the May 31 scriptures, read several passages, and made a few attempts at a written piece.  I couldn’t sleep and wrote 3-4 pages; re-wrote, using a different subject, and then finally gave up and went to bed.  

But, the next morning, in the shower, I sang the Doxology we use in our church–out of the blue!  My singing gets worse every year!  It wasn’t pretty.  It did remind me, however,  to praise God, instead of just asking for him to intercede with all the people needing prayer.  I get stuck in my prayer life from time to time.


Praise God from whom all blessings flow

Praise Him all creatures here below

Praise Him above all ye heavenly hosts

Praise Father Son and Holy Ghost.



Back to the drawing board.  I found that Trinity Sunday is celebrated this coming Sunday, June 4th.  I realized that we praise all three–Father, Son and Holy Ghost in the last line of the Doxology.  What a perfect way to think of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.  Putting two and two together,  I think this was a God-wink! 

I was of the opinion that the Doxology above was not an actual scripture in the Bible.  From my research of a few Christian links, what I found confirmed my suspicion.  But it IS based on several scriptural passages, mostly at the end of a book, chapter or event.   Doxologies, and there are many,  are an expression of praise to God, and in the Christian church they are often sung or chanted and generally, give pause before another part of a service or lead to a different event. The words were written by Thomas Ken in 1674!

There are several scriptural references that may have been the catalyst to the Doxology we use…many at the end of a chapter or book.  One of my favorite examples is from  Romans 11:36.  “For from Him and through Him and for Him are all things.  To him be the glory forever!  Amen”

Probably the most well known example is Matthew 26:30, where, at the end of the last supper, Jesus and his followers sang a hymn before leaving for the Mount of Olives.  We don’t know what hymn they sang, but the commentaries tie this scripture to a doxology, whether or not true.  

Here are some other illustrations:  Ephesians, 1:3; Ephesians 5:14; 1 Timothy 3:16.  Like me, I hope you have this song of praise reverberating in your head, just as it has mine!  Feel this Doxology emanate from your heart this Sunday.


Prayer:  Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.  Amen

Sue Healy