Weekly Devotional by Diana Golden

“Have you been feeling a lack of control in your life as the Coronavirus has become more prevalent? I know that I have. It has felt like we are at the mercy of this virus – our lives have changed so much in a relatively short amount of time.

When my dear brother was diagnosed with cancer in his spine towards the end of March 2020, I felt myself becoming depressed and anxious. Because of the Coronavirus, I couldn’t travel to spend time with him. No one was allowed to attend appointments with him. He lived in fear of catching the virus while receiving Chemotherapy. He is doing much better now – he’s finished Chemotherapy and begun radiation.

I didn’t realize how far I’ve strayed from God’s word without the support of church services and fellowship, until I recently began studying Genesis through Bible Study Fellowship (BSF). The words of the narrator struck me. She said “Where are you on the surrender scale? Are your hands clenched in rage over what we cannot control or are your hands open to receive from the one who has power you do not. Trust him with your life and the lives of the ones you love”.

One particular bible passage has stayed with me. Psalm 148:13 states: “Praise the Lord because he alone is great. He is more wonderful than heaven and earth”.

Prayer: Dear Lord, please help me to remember that you alone are in control. Grant me the patience to wait and trust in you.


– Diana Golden