12.28: “Come, Let Us Adore Him”
Saturday, December 28
“Come unto him, all ye that labor, come unto him, that are heavy laden, and he will give you rest. Take his yoke upon you, and learn of him; for he is meek and lowly of heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. His yoke is easy, and his burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30*
In this world, we are faced with challenges and difficulties. Jesus doesn’t want us to face them alone. He calls us to come to him and be “yoked” with him.
What does it mean to be “yoked” with Jesus? This is a conscious decision to choose Christ, to submit to his authority, to place yourself under his care. We choose to learn more and more about him through prayer and Bible study. We have fellowship with his people.
The symbol of a yoke means that we are walking alongside Jesus, giving him control; he is bearing more of our burdens, giving us rest.
If we submit to Christ’s authority and take his yoke upon us, as Matthew illustrates, this will bring our souls rest, it will bring us “the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding” (Philippians 4:7a). Life can be hard. Jesus doesn’t want us to go it alone. Choosing him means we never have to.
LORD, We thank you that by asking Jesus to come into our hearts, we have him to help us face the challenges and difficulties of this life. When hard times come as we know they will, we have the assurance of knowing Jesus is beside us, carrying our burdens. With him, we know we can face anything. Amen
Karen Rich