Like a Child

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them, for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”  Matthew 19:14

Have you ever had the privilege of listening to a child praying? These little ones aren’t concerned with getting the words exactly right because they are just having a conversation with God. There is no worry about vocabulary or formality or some kind of prayer “etiquette.” Their hearts are open and trusting that God is waiting eagerly to hear from them. Wouldn’t it be great to pray with that kind of sincere abandon knowing that there is no panel of judges with numbered cards deciding if our words are acceptable? The thing is that prayer doesn’t depend on how we pray, the power of prayer depends on the One who hears the prayer. What a relief! It isn’t complicated and it isn’t up to us. Just be honest with God and share everything that is on your heart. Or maybe say nothing at all. Just sit in God’s presence like a little child. That’s enough.

Prayer: Accepting God, thank you that prayer doesn’t depend on how I pray. May I come into your presence like a little child – honest and trusting in your great love for me.  Amen.

Francie Winslow